Thursday, September 07, 2006

The last day

1 year ago today I was signing up Nikyla for Nursery School and in labour with Jersey. Once again I was finding myself in the same position, except not in labour. The teachers and a couple of returning mom's and I reminisced about that day and how I showed up at the Nursery School in labour. A whole year gone by so quickly and so much accomplished by this little person. Jersey has taken a few steps independently, says baba - even though she doesn't take a bottle, so who knows what that means, but it's exciting. I love coming to pick her up every day and she shrills and is so excited to see me when I walk through the door. Although on her 1st birthday tomorrow she is losing the best sitter she has ever had (only had). This sitter has been through so much and cared for this little devil so well I am now feeling better that she will be going to a stranger. AND I am going to start to have to make my own coffee in the mornings too. It's hard to find good help these days :)


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that you've found someone to take care of N and J, Jaime (even though I thought it was really neat that Chantal had the gig for awhile)!

Happy Birthday to Jersey!

I hope that Nikyla has a blast in nursery school this year, too :)

Vanda said...

Waving Hello. Just found your blog and have enjoy reading.

Jaime said...

Thanks for the b-day wishes :)
Hi Vanda, thanks for stopping by.
Chantal, I am sure you are going to miss them, for a second anyway... I can hear the beer bottles clinking together now. Thank God it's over j/k