Monday, July 24, 2006

It's almost time

So I woke up this morning, got the kids ready then got myself ready, I was watching the clock to see just how long it would take, didn't do too bad. Great. Now I just have to take care of the sitter that I feel uncomfortable about, we have a playdate there tomorrow. So I call this other woman that sounds fantastic BUT she can't start until September. Bummed but she sounds super and I would like to meet her anyway. Then I get a call for the sitter I have lined up informing me she can't watch the kids on Wednesday, my first day starting of work and next ok. Now what am I suppose to do. So I had a playdate this morning at my friends place. I plead my story there and beg her to watch my kids just for the summer She gives in, aha!. My husband will be ecstatic about this he wanted her to watch them for a while but she already has a crew of her own kids. Great so now I have to call the sitter lined up and tell he I no longer require her services.... but I don't want to do it. I'll make Dan do that!
On her downfall side, she will have a baby with an earache that is crabby, but in a couple of days it should be better with these heavier antibiotics. 3 weeks or longer with ear infections, poor girl. I hope this does it, she has been in so much pain these past couple of days, let alone me wanting some good sleep.
On the upside, Nikyla gets along famously with her kids!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad it's all going to work out in the end, Jaime!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you had issues with the sitter, but it sounds like it's going to work out great.

Jaime said...

Yes you are my idol, I told you a long time ago!! I don't worry about you and Jersey at all, I think if there is anything more wrong with her you'll know since you have had 4 and dealt with so many things!