Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Coughing, coffee & buns

Since it has been a while I guess I should write something. Ok a few updates... Jersey has had a cough since September, we have tried many things, finally it has seemed that puffers have worked for her. She still coughs until she throws up but not as often as it was.
Yesterday morning I was driving Nikyla to nursery school and usually I can make a quick stop at Tim's before. I got there and the line was so long it was going to take too long. Dan was just leaving Tim's and had already got his coffee so I couldn't even ask him to pick me one up. Oh well, no biggie. I head to the school and I realize that we forgot Nikyla's backpack at home. Race home to get it and then head back to the school and drop off Nikyla. She only cried a bit, so that was good. I head out the doors from the school and there is Dan with coffee and Cinnamon bun, my fav, in hand. That's my man!!


Anonymous said...

How fabulous, Jaime! I love it when things like that magically work out :)

Anonymous said...

He wins a prize for that...very cute.