Sunday, December 31, 2006

2006's fondest memories

I was just surfing around to see what some of the headlines were for 2006 and I came across this little article about getting the epidural and nursing. I personally had no issues with it, I hate pain and loved the drugs for it. So reading that article, lead me to this article, Woman kicked off plane for breast-feeding baby. Interesting what will be remembered of 2006. For me, it will always be the best Summer, to-date, being off with both the kids and having lots of fun together. What is your fondest memory of '06?

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


The break and time with the whole family and friends has been great! Now I really don't want to go back to work. When do I ge to win the lottory???
Christmas was fantastic this year. Nikyla's expressions and comments were just so cute. "Santa was sneakin' mom" and "Do you hear that?" with her hand up to her ear, "I think I hear Dasher on the roof". We had been singing Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer before she went to bed. Jersey had fun ripping the wrapping paper and playing with everything. Ah, until next year.
Speaking of next year, we ring in the New Year soon. No sitters the night of, so we will be low key but that will be ok. Nice and relaxing just before back to work...ugh. My next years resolution is to start a better workout routine. Anyone else have any resolutions??

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Holiday cheer

Nikyla has been asking for her friends, the sitters kids and other kids at the sitters, to be able to come over to her house for awhile now. So the other day I thought, why not throw a Christmas party for her and her friends. Jersey would love it too. So we have a Christmas party planned this Saturday morning. Just some hot cocoa, cookie decorating, nametag making and Christmas crackers. Enough to keep them busy for a bit and hopfully some of us mom's can chat, have a coffee and relax.
I never watch Smallville, but I did tonight and man, I am missing a show with some real hotties in it! Might have to make it part of my regular weekly watching.

Friday, December 15, 2006

How much have you done?

I am, say 90% done my Christmas shopping. I know things I want to get, well most, but it's the time to get out and get them! I am trying to teach Nikyla a couple of things this Christmas. First, I try to explain to her this is Jesus' birthday but we all celebrate it. I would like to take our family to the Church Christmas Service this Sunday, and make that a yearly tradition. Second I am trying to explain that it is great to give gifts and how it makes her feel by receiving them, so by her giving gifts makes others feel that way, that great feeling. I am not sure she gets it but she is very excited to head out, just the 2 of us and go Christmas shopping together. She is going to go and get some special gifts for friends and family. We did have the Christmas shoppe, she only shopped for 2 family members. I really wanted to take her out, to see her train of thought on choosing a gift. I would like to see her choose a gift and put it in Toy Mountain for children that don't have a Christmas gift. I am not sure she will understand but I would like to make it a tradition. Are there any traditions you are going to pass down or start with your family?

Monday, December 04, 2006

Happy Birthday to You

Let's do the time warp again... Dan was just a young lad turning the good ol' age of 27. I decide to throw him a surprise birthday party at the Keg Manor. The night comes, he doesn't want to go. I have 'friends' (we will use this term lightly) at the apartment with us not backing me to go. Dan wants to stay at home watching the hockey game. He complains enough to bring me to tears, I don't want to ruin the surprise but he is NOT budging from the couch with beer in hand. I have about 25 people waiting there. Finally he says fine let's go, and then some choice words at the end of it. So we go, he complains the whole way there, why there, who cares, I can't watch the game there... the complaints go on and on. We get there and we are brought to the party room there, he realizes it is full of his friends. He looks at me and says I am so sorry. I said no worries, I will never, ever, ever, EVER throw you a surprise party again as long as I know you. I will stick by those words for the rest of my life.
This leads me to my next blurb.
Earlier in the month I asked Dan if he would like a birthday party November 25th since his birthday is the 29th. He says no I don't think so. Then he changes his mind and wants to have it December 2nd. Now he does know that Light Up the Night is on the Friday night, Saturday I work the nursery school Christmas Shoppe (I did my time working the wrapping table), party that night then Sunday run my butt off all day for a Christmas Tea at my work AND is the town's Santa Clause Parade. Ok so I will do my best, worked out not too bad, except both kids got sick that night. Jersey had the grossest, smelliest runs and Nikyla had a sore tummy that kept her up from about 11:45pm and finally threw up at 2 am-ish. If it wasn't Nikyla up, it was Jersey up, all night. How I managed to get through the Sunday without dropping sometime in the day, is beyond me! Dan and his crew finally wrapped it up around 3am after I reminded him that he did have the kids all the next day to himself and had to wake up early. Clark, his friend that stayed over and is a batchlor, stayed around most of Sunday with Dan and the girls. Sometimes I wish I was a fly on the wall to watch these 2 in action with the kids.

Double checking is a good thing

Since, at least, last week we have been so busy I barely have time to sleep. And I LOVE sleep.
Let's go back in time .... say last Thursday. The sitter called me at work and her kids are sick and throwing up. I should go and get Jersey, as Nikyla was in school. I asked her if she could watch Jersey just another half hour, for me to clean up at work and then pick up Nikyla on the way, save me from packing up Jersey twice. Sure she says. Great! I get ready at work by bringing some of it home to work on, pack it all up and I planned out the rest of my time. Run my errands for work with the kids, will take longer but needs to be done. So I get to the nursery school, I am running now, as I am late... as usual. Then I remember, I forgot money for her field trip, head back to the Blazer and grab it. Run in, sign a made permission form since I lost my 'official' form, give the money, grab her art work while she is explaining her day to me then head out the door. Grab for the keys to unlock the door and they aren't there... ok they must be in the school, I must have put them down when I signed my handmade form. Let's run back in, we have no time to lose, we were suppose to be at the sitters now 15 minutes ago. I look around, not there... you gotta be joking me right??!! RIGHT??!!! I have often panicked that I locked my keys in the truck but it has never actually happened. I take Nikyla by the hand and run out to the truck and peer in the window, yep there they are in my purse. Lovely. Dan is in Ottawa and taken off days last week... Ok let's call my trusty neighbour, thankgoodness for neighbours! She packs up her 3 kids and comes to pick us up. By this time I am over another half hour late. I am sure everyone knows by now, we are rarely on time. To sum up, I called Dan asked him to come home early or right after work, he is off at 4pm daily. Needless to say we walked in our door at 5:30pm. Better late then never right???

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Coughing, coffee & buns

Since it has been a while I guess I should write something. Ok a few updates... Jersey has had a cough since September, we have tried many things, finally it has seemed that puffers have worked for her. She still coughs until she throws up but not as often as it was.
Yesterday morning I was driving Nikyla to nursery school and usually I can make a quick stop at Tim's before. I got there and the line was so long it was going to take too long. Dan was just leaving Tim's and had already got his coffee so I couldn't even ask him to pick me one up. Oh well, no biggie. I head to the school and I realize that we forgot Nikyla's backpack at home. Race home to get it and then head back to the school and drop off Nikyla. She only cried a bit, so that was good. I head out the doors from the school and there is Dan with coffee and Cinnamon bun, my fav, in hand. That's my man!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


On the weekends I like to 'do' things. We usually get up and all watch Nikyla dance, then we head somewhere after for a little family shopping. This weekend though I don't know if we will. We were suppose to go to Hershey's with our neighbor and her daughter, however I am sure you have all heard by now it is closed down. SO, either we post-pone and go another time OR I might suggest to go see a movie. Either Happy Feet or The Santa Clause 3... OR go to the Children's Museum (this website needs major work) on Sunday and then after watch the Imax Ocean movie. Decisions, decisions....

Monday, November 13, 2006

Do you believe the hype

Maybe I hyped up or looked forward to this day a little too much. Jersey slept from 12am - 6am then gave her a bottle and continued to sleep until 8am. Nikyla, on the other hand she woke up at 1-1:30am, she couldn't stop coughing, then up for the day at 7am, as usual. Nikyla almost NEVER sleeps in, a very rare occasion if she does. So I get up with Nikyla and Dan gets up with Jersey, we get the kids ready I take them off to the sitters, go to work for about 5 minutes to check on something then head to Tim's and go home. While I was doing that Dan was at home taking a shower and was ready to roll once I got home. We went into town to do some shopping and see our friends new baby. I asked Dan where he would like to go shopping he said, "it's a secret", jokingly. I said let's go to Bayshore, he said he didn't want to. I was in a pretty easy going mood and I said "wherever is good for me". BIG MISTAKE right there. So his surprise was that he wanted to visit Home Depot, The Brick, Futureshop, and Best Buy... yippee do, can you hear the excitement?? What did I just agree to, I really wish he had of told me that so he could have dropped me off at Bayshore and we both would have been happier. So around 12:15 we headed to Ikea, where I had asked to go to but it was a zoo, so I changed my mind. I called our friend, that had the baby and she said it wasn't a good day, granted I know what that is like but I revolved my day around us going to see her. It was too bad, I was looking forward to seeing their wee one but hopefully we'll be able to try again some time. Dan heard my disappointment and offered to head to Bayshore or Wal-Mart, but I wasn't in the mood anymore. I had wanted to sleep in during the day or take a nap, so I said just head home. Dan set up his stereo system and speakers while I napped. Then I went to go and get the kids, that's it. No nothing for me, I had planned on buying a bra and cute little scarf for me and my new jacket I had. Oh well I did have a great day off with Dan nonetheless.

Friday, November 10, 2006


For the first time since Nikyla has been born, Dan and I will have the house to ourselves on Monday!! I never thought I would see this day so soon... Dan and I both have a stat day on Monday and the kids are going to go to the sitters. Our selfish day, I can't WAIT!! We have planned to sleep the morning away and in the afternoon go in town to visit our friend who just had their first baby and go shopping. Shopping, just Dan and I, that's it, no wee ones. First I said we need to stay home and clean up the house, then after a second I said screw it we are doing whatever we want. I asked my MIL the other day if she would take our kids for an afternoon while we cleaned the house, we'll do it then... probably :)

Monday, November 06, 2006

"Can you tell me how to get, how to get to...

I think we, the have hit a great milestone, knock on wood with Nikyla. She has started to, thank the Lord, not mind going to the sitters. Tomorrow might be different but the past couple times have been half decent, I hope it keeps up.
That being said, I picked up Nikyla after work today and
she said to me "Where are we going to now?"
I said "Home".
Nikyla said "I don't want to go home."
I replied "Where would you like to go?"
She replied "Sesame Street".
Now how cute is that!!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Movie Review

We have been having a bit of an internet connection issue. So as to my 2 previous posts that are lost in cyberspace this week, here goes another try.
I am a bit hot and bothered tonight. You see my neighbour called me and she, another friend and I went to go and see a movie, Departed. The yummy/drool factor in this movie is over the top. Leonardo DiCaprio is H-O-T!! I am not a big Leo fan, I mean I like his movies but not ooh ahh I have to go see Leo type girl. Women run out and watch this amazing movie. Leo drooling aside, which is hard to do, it is an awesome movie. I give it 5/5 stars, loved it. My heart was racing the whole movie. Jack is phenomenal in it, as usual.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

649 here I come

Life is busy, and sometimes as busy as we make it. Last weekend was awesome, we went to a birthday party at Cosmic Adventures, which I highly recommend. For the packages and prices you can choose from as well as the age range. Jersey had just a blast there, Nikyla came up and said she was ready to go but Jersey was not. She was VERY upset when we went to leave, even though we had been there 3 1/2 hours.
Nikyla is going through a funny stage. She doesn't want to go to the sitters she just wants to go home. I think that she remembers me being home all the time and misses it. The sitter and I have tried to find out what she might like more at the sitters and she said nothing. Jersey on the other hand likes it there and has seemed to adjust well still. Maybe it is the mixture of the kids being Nikyla's age which she prefers being with older kids. Maybe she just hasn't connected with anyone else there. I don't know, I am out of ideas... It's stressful, along with my job and housework and I am finding that I am clenching my teeth at night and waking with brutal headaches. If I work longer hours to get caught up, it's at the cost of not seeing our kids, and I hate cutting into our time. I only see Jersey for about a half hour in the morning if I am lucky and about 2 1/2 hours at night and most of that time is spent cooking and cleaning.
I need to win the lottery, I guess in order to do that I should start playing :)

Monday, October 09, 2006


Ok so I am waaaaaaay behind on blogging, but Jersey has had this wicked cold and I have been so tired. Plus last Thursday we went to the disappointing hockey game, if you can call that a game. Anyway, another couple and us went to the game, it had been a while since the 4 of us have been out without the kids. So we had a GREAT time, and drank a wee bit too much. Jaime was really feeling it on Friday, so ever since then I have been trying to catch up on my sleep.
We drove to my parents, about 3 hours from here on Friday night. What a mess. I thought it would be better to drive down at night and have the kids sleep... wroooong. Jersey would cough and make herself puke because of the phlem caught in her throat. So we got there with one smelly kid. Nikyla was great, except she was doing the 'are we there yet' every so often, made me laugh. Saturday we got some great professional family pictures done, I can't wait to get the CD. We had them taken outside at a park in the trees. Then we had Thanksgiving dinner and Christmas all in one. My parents are gearing up to leave for Mexico, so this was the last time we were all going to be together before they head out. They'll come up here one more time before they go for 6 months to the nice, sunny, warm Mexico. I am not too jealous.
Just FYI, the drive back was much less eventful, cross your fingers she is getting better. Although now Nikyla and Dan are coughing with runny noses.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

And all that jazz

For weeks now, all Nikyla has been talking about is Dance school. She would be going to Dance school soon, she has said this to anyone who listened to her. Well today was finally the day for her to go. The same school as her friends Meghan and Erin, who are older, whom she looks up to and she just adores (my friend Chantal's kids). This class was totally dominated by little adorable blonde kids, the brunettes were adorable too just 90% of the kids in that class happened to be blonde. Nikyla loved it as I knew she would. However saying that I am not overly impressed with the class today for a couple of reasons. First, I understand kids not sitting and listening but I thought that is why the kids were suppose to be 3 and older, kids running around in this class. Nikyla seems to be the oldest, I am going to ask the age range next time. Second, there was a kid who kept going up to the stereo and playing with it and all the parents around me were laughing and saying awe... I think I was the only one there thinking wtf, this isn't cute and we only have 30 minutes here and they are having to chase some of these kids around. I know all kids don't listen but really we are paying too much for only a half hour, in my eyes. Last, the class ended 5 minutes early, they weren't even in there a full half hour! I guess my first and second point are the same but really am I just being too anal again saying that they are there 30 minutes and to have to chase kids around and end early is not something I really am impressed with. They are dancing for about 15 minutes in total. My mom has paid for half of the School for Nikyla's Christmas present, she loves it, there is no way out of this I just wish it was at least 45 minutes or even an hour. When she took gymnastics it was an hour, she did very well at that too. She has super upper arm strength. I hope next week goes better.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Hey Hey Hey Goodbye

Today I have decided to officially give it up. I know no more really nice and hot sunny days, now it's cool and crisp, still nice but no Summer. Summer is my favorite season. The only solice that I have is in the Fall Season Premiere's. I just watched the Gilmore Girls Season Premiere, another one of my fav's.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Dirty Laundry

Tonight is an exciting night, the season premiere of Desperate Housewives. I love this show, great dirty gossip, what I really like. So my neighbour is coming over with Chocolate Martini's, celebrated just the way it should be! So if you were on the show who would you be? This quiz says I am most like Lynette, I think it's not too far off :)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Drinks, dinner & pool

Tonight I went into town to have drinks with some friends, male friends. Now I am not sure how many married or unmarried women/men worry about their significant others going out with some friends of the opposite sex. Dan has no ounce of jealousy in his body, which makes me happy to a point. He isn't really the type to defend my honour, he knows I can defend myself and he also knows that I would never do anything with anyone else, he is just that comfortable and knows I am not that dumb. These guys friends I have had for years, he knows them too. It was GREAT seeing them again, been a very long time since we had gone out and caught up. You know those great visits that you are just so glad you had, today was one of those.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Doogie Howser..ish

When I post at the end of the day it kinda reminds me of that show that use to be on ages ago, "Doogie Howser, M.D." He use to type in his computer journal every night about his day. I use to watch that show religiously! I still do like the M.D. type shows, use to love ER and now totally into Gray's Anatomy. However unlike Doogie, I am no genius and I have a family, I am not one of the family.
Speaking of family, what once took me 45 minutes to put down Jersey now takes all of 5 minutes. She goes down like a dream ever since Dan had left me to my own devices, or since she turned 1, not sure what it was. I am knocking on wood pretty darn hard that it stays that way. The only still unsettling thing is that Jersey wakes, screams for about 30 seconds to a minute then goes back to bed. So what I would like to know is why, she puts herself back to sleep but I am not sure why she keeps waking in such a state. I have discussed it with my pediatrician and he is unsure as well, then next route would be to have her in for tests, I am not really ready to go down that road yet. We have had her tested for allergies, tried a number of different stomach meds, which if she misses her Prevacid, she is a total grump the next day. I am hoping whatever it is she grows out of it soon. She is getting better with age.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

A sleep deprived mom's day in the life

Ahhh, silence, they are sleeping and I am looking at how cute the little buggers look. I like the first picture for the colours but I like the look of both their faces on the other. I need to go and get Jersey's 1 yr pictures done, I am so negligent with this one. I will get bad mother of the year award for slacking in the #2 sibling department.

Nikyla is now all signed up and ready for dance, she only needs new dance shoes. I know she will love it. She use to watch Chantal's kids and just want to go on stage with them. I can't wait!

Jersey has a nasty cold and I am starting to get one. Nikyla so far, knock on wood, doesn't have one. So this explains Jersey up more often than normal and if you know Jersey's sleep schedule, it's often. She just keeps coughing up phlem and I am sure has a really sore throat. I plugged in on of those vapor thingys into the light socket that heat up and eucalyptus goes into the air.

Dan comes home tomorrow, we have been doing half decent without him and with the help of our IL's, they helped out for 2 days, it was nice. Speaking of doing half decent, I woke up this morning and thought today was Friday, I guess just wishing time for the weekend and I put out our garbage... Then show up at the sitters early, Tuesdays and Thursdays are usually 9am instead of 8:30 so I can bring Nikyla to nursery school. Oh yeah sorry sitter I forgot to tell you this week is staggered and she only went once...oops.

I can't wait for the weekend a bit of a break.... I am in need of a drink and rest.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Flying Solo

Today is one of the first days that Dan will be gone for 4 days, coming back on Friday. It was really nice of my IL's to stop by tonight to help me out. She brought me dinner, we already had eaten but tomorrow night I don't have to cook now :) My IL's are very thoughtful and helpful, they are coming by again tomorrow to watch the kids so I can go sign up Nikyla for dance.
On an exciting note, Nikyla's first day of Nursery School was today, she is returning from last year, but she loves school. I think she likes saying she goes to school because all the older kids go to school and she can feel a part of it too.
The girls first day at their new sitters was today. Kelley said that they did very well, Nikyla was only there half a day but Jersey was there the whole day. Both did awesome, let's cross our fingers for this to be consistent. Although it might be a bit flustered the next couple of days, getting me and both the kids ready and fed. Gotta love coffee to kick start your mornings.

Monday, September 11, 2006

A little bit of this, a little bit of that

Today was Jersey's 1 year check up and shots and Nikyla got a check up too, since we have changed Dr's. Jersey weighed in at 21lbs and Nikyla weighs in at 29lbs and I totally forget their length, but Nikyla is about 3 1/2 feet tall, I'll measure Jersey tomorrow. Jersey is in the 50% percentile for length and weight, Nikyla is just long and lean, as he put it, she always has been. Let's hope she has my MIL's genes in that department.
We went to Costco today, I love that place, but I should never go.... Really everyone buys stuff they don't need, however I can now officially say I have Christmas gifts for the kids started :)
For Jersey's birthday we got her some nesting blocks, a digital monitor, a tent type thingy. My parents got her some Baby legs, a very cute outfit, walker (was in the TRU flyer, Bruin Bear), just to name a bit. My IL's got her a necklace and outfit, SIL painted her a piggy bank with her name on it and a deposit and a nice picture frame. Other SIL got her a gator thing and a cute outfit as well. That is all I can think of right now so over all she did very well :)
On doing very well note, I have been spoiled a bit lately, as I think Dan figured I had a rough year. AT my birthday not only did he get me the ring I wanted he surprised me with the matching necklace. Then later he bought me a 24 of Blueberry Woody's, my fav drink, although I am partial to the Twisters now. Then our dishwasher broke and he went and bought us a new one and a new stove while he was at it, I am badly wanting to finish our kitchen. Then I wanted to start badminton and he goes out, without me reminding him and gets me a new racquet and carrier brings it home and says there now you can go and gives me $$ for the sign up. But you know when you give them an ounce they want the whole bottle and more. So I want to say thanks without it going to his head!

Friday, September 08, 2006


HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jersey!! Wow, she doesn't even know it yet, she has been in this world one whole year now. She ate her first muffin, with icing and I think loved it. (pictures to come soon) So to celebrate I will drink tonight without Jersey that I have now made it this far, half decently sane, well no one has had me taken away yet anyway :)
This weekend, we are off to some baby show, my mom, neighbour and friend are going so we're meeting up there. I might enter Jersey in the baby crawling contest, we'll see her mood that day. Then on Sunday we'll have a little party for her with my parents and IL's. Then Monday off to the dr's for the dreaded shot, poor girl.
On another note, we got a new dishwasher and stove, the stove comes Tuesday though, but we have the dishwasher now. We almost have our kitchen appliances complete, after that we only have the hoodrange to buy and then painting. Can't wait to get this pale pink off the walls, doors and trim. They painted EVERYTHING pale pink downstairs, it must have been on sale, the only reason I can figure why they would choose that colour. Although, upstairs, all the rooms were, I changed the girls rooms so far, light blue and the bathroom mint green, so I guess I should be glad they used the pale pink downstairs...silver lining.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The last day

1 year ago today I was signing up Nikyla for Nursery School and in labour with Jersey. Once again I was finding myself in the same position, except not in labour. The teachers and a couple of returning mom's and I reminisced about that day and how I showed up at the Nursery School in labour. A whole year gone by so quickly and so much accomplished by this little person. Jersey has taken a few steps independently, says baba - even though she doesn't take a bottle, so who knows what that means, but it's exciting. I love coming to pick her up every day and she shrills and is so excited to see me when I walk through the door. Although on her 1st birthday tomorrow she is losing the best sitter she has ever had (only had). This sitter has been through so much and cared for this little devil so well I am now feeling better that she will be going to a stranger. AND I am going to start to have to make my own coffee in the mornings too. It's hard to find good help these days :)

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Who didn't love this show?

Some trivia I came across... see how you do!

Question 1: In the sleepover episode, which 2 characters crashed the party by taking pictures of the girls?
Brandon and Steve
Dylan and Brandon
Brandon and Jim
David and Scott

Question 2 What was the name of the mean girl that Kelly invited to the sleepover party during season 1?

Question 3 Who was the first man that Valerie went out with in Beverly Hills?

Question 4 When Dylan took Gina to the hot club in L.A., who did she say asked her where she got her shoes?
Jennifer Lopez
Jessica Sinpson
Paris Hilton

Question 5 What did David write in the sand to profess his love to Donna?
I love Donna!
I love Don!
Will you marry me, Donna?
Donna is my true love!

Ideas anyone?

Ok, so I have been neglectful of this journal for a wee bit. However my rant didn't improve my comments, as the previous post sits at 0. I will type on.
Let's see, work is going well, knock on wood. Jersey has her bottom molars and working on her top ones as well as getting her eye teeth in, she hasn't been sleeping well AGAIN. Previous to this teething she was getting much better, so I am hoping she gets all these teeth then maybe some well rested nights ahead...soon! It does get a little difficult some days to keep my eyes open during morning meeting, if my days weren't so full I may have dozed off at some point in time. Nikyla is doing well, getting more of a 'tude but dealing with it, nothing too terrible. I had her at work today for the afternoon as it was staff appreciation day. She had a blast, and I was happy to give her some one on one time with mommy. Although, she is very busy planning Jersey's first birthday party. She has many a scribbled notes lying around and knows if you attempt to throw one out, that is one she needs. She will pick the theme and cake and we will go pick this up together, I am hoping this will ease the blow that it will be Jersey's day and people are there for her and Jersey will be getting the gifts. However she will be there in the shadows since she planned it all and I will have loot bags for the kids, so some sort of gifts, oh and mom got them matching bracelets that have their names on it, so another gift for both. On the subject of her birthday, it won't be too big, Nikyla had a big one and Jersey will have one too, fair is fair. However she needs NOTHING. Really truly nothing, there are too many toys here now. So now I have nothing special to get for her for her birthday....

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Drum Roll Please

Every week our neighbours come down and we do dinner together every Thursday to watch The O.C. Since it isn't on anymore we usually rent a movie. BUT this week we did it on Wednesday, why you might ask, well she was being induced on the Thursday. So I dubbed it our last dinner, since they will have their hands full from now on. As Bronwen and I sat here, I couldn't be more excited for her. She was nervous and excited. Ah brought me back to my first L&D. I was freaked out at the end the last month. What had I done??!! But I said remember woman do this everyday and they go on to have more AND they now have majical drugs. Ok relieved me a bit but still it was the whole unknown of it all, was it going to be long, short, unbearable and how was I going to handle it all. Well I must say I was proud of myself and of my hubby too. We did just great and so did our neighbours Bronwen and Jody. After about 24 hours of labour Bronwen delivered a beautiful baby boy weighing in at 8lbs 15oz, his name is Braydon William. What fantastic parents they are going to be, I am ubber excited for them. We had a wee bit of a party here last night for the new daddy and had a blast. I went in today to go see the little guy, he is sooooooooo adorable! I was loving holding this little bundle, I think I did for about 20 minutes, then I had to put him down, he was a little heat bundle. Doesn't make me want to have another one ............ entirely but I like holding, visiting, playing then giving them back, so much easier!!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Lurkers and updates

Ok you lurkers, and you know who you are!! It seems so lonely here, I have my faithful blogger friend Laura who keeps me company here and a couple others who have left a comment here and there. Don't be shy to leave comments, I enjoy them!
Ok so that out of the way, new updates. The girls now have a Pediatrician and we are VERY happy about it. Our old Dr. just wasn't cutting it. I felt that the advice or lack there of and the listening factor wasn't there. He was the one that didn't believe me when I said there was something up with Jersey, he said "just let her cry it out, that is all that is wrong". I just had a feeling there was something more to it and I was right, but before I knew there was something wrong I really doubted myself and my abilities. This guy is great and really listens, gives suggestions and asks what would you like to do. I brought Nikyla to her 2 year check up with our old Dr. and he had said so what are you doing here, I said for her check up and he said "We don't do check ups, you come to me when she needs a needle or when she is sick, that's it." I was hearing of all these other people going to get check ups done where our Dr. was just too busy and didn't feel the check ups are necessary, he was not great at helping me on the advice side either about feeding and such. This Dr has now sent Jersey to go and get a food allergy test done just to be safe. She is in a much better demeanor since she started taking the Prevacid but still VERY gassy. So he would like to eliminate the possibility of it being a food allergy. See nice guy! He has fun stuff at his office too Nikyla has lots to do and play with when we are there, not to mention spiderman hanging from the ceiling along with some Incredibles and such. Fun guy too.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

In 1 month

So Jersey will be 1 year in a month, September 8th to be exact. How can time really pass by that quickly? I feel robbed at the moment of time just passing on by and me wanting to keep it still...just for a bit. Every one says cherish it when they are young, I am trying to but time just keeps on going, nothing I can do to stop it. Not that I would want to stop it, just slow it down a little.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

It's a song about ABC's

Our mornings start out usually around 7am. Nikyla has now been trained not to get out of her room until the clock has the 7 on it, then she gets out of bed and goes downstairs very quietly and turns on the TV. Sweet! I have been waiting for this day, we can both sleep in now until 7, as long as Jersey cooperates and stays asleep until 7, which is usually. So then Dan watches the kids while I get ready and he feeds them. Then I get all of our stuff together, do hair and head out the door, I can usually accomplish this within 45 minutes to an hour. On the drive to the sitters Nikyla always watches the same movie, Sesame Street - What's the name of that song. I highly recommend this to anyone who has kids who love to sing, this has been one of her favorite movies since she was about 15 months, it taught her the ABC's. So every morning I usually listen to Nikyla doing her rendition of the ABC's along with Patti LaBelle and all of the moves and long holdings of the note, it is a sight to see and sound to hear. A wonderful and entertaining way to start to every morning, puts the biggest smile on my face. Then when the song is all done I clap for her and she just loves it!

Monday, August 07, 2006

I'm late, I'm late...

You know the rabbit in Alice in wonderland, well I feel like him a bit lately. Going from, what are we going to do today at our leisure most of the time to go, go, go. The kids seem to be handling it fairly well though. Our sitter, who totally undercuts her skills, is doing a fantastic job. The kids love going there and Jersey is starting to move more now trying to keep up with the kids. Her 2 oldest kids help watch and play with Jersey and she just loves them. Which is a big feat since Jersey doesn't like almost anyone except me. So I do have to get my butt in gear and find a sitter for when the school year starts. I love where the kids are now, but I totally understand our sitter's view, kids in school, ahhhhhhhhh, some peace and quite for a bit, her kids are all over 3. Kids under the age of 2 really need alot of supervison and when you have done it 4 times with your own kids and made it through with most of your sanity, you usually need a break. Nikyla is going though a bit of a spell lately of some terrible 3's but I think it is due to all the change. So this week on my #1 things to do is find a sitter!!

Monday, July 31, 2006

All I am missing is my tiara

I am now officially 30 years old. I still feel the same, good, I think that is a good sign. I had a fabulous birthday weekend celebrations. I say celebrations because one of my best friends and I are born a day apart. So we usually celebrate our birthday's together. On the Friday my parents came down, they live about 2.5 hours away. Saturday we made a trip to Costco, I love that place. There I glanced at the rest of the co-ordinating jewelry that matched my 30th birthday ring, a princess cut Amethyst surrounded by diamonds in a square shape and continued down the band. I sighed, the pendant and earrings must too expensive but I might sneak in the pendant suggestion for Christmas, I promise I will be good Santa. So then we, my hubby and I got ready for my other friends surprise birthday party that night. Score a night out, sans kids! Got my present from 'the girls'(girlfriends), they got me a pair of earrings that matched, (but not the matching set) to my '30th birthday' ring, I LOVE them!! Amethyst with a little diamond beside it, tres cute. But we didn't stay out too late, after all, Dan was planning and putting all together a bbq for my birthday on the Sunday afternoon and he knew we had tones to do. He did a great job and my best friend and other birthday friend came over and put the finishing touches on and helped out with some salads. Voila, a wonderful decorated backyard to have a 30th birthday party in and lots of delicious food. Then came one of the best parts, presents!! I got an hour massage at The Spa, oh I can't wait!! Some other beautiful earrings, a nice smelly candle, Woody's Blueberry coolers (how can you go wrong with my fav drink!), other little nice gifts and from my girls, the matching pendant necklace to my ring, I was totally shaking and flabbergasted!!! I looked at Dan, shock I tell you. Then in walks my MIL singing at the top of her lungs, she always means well and is totally excited. She's a cute little, tiny Euro woman. She gives me a kiss, and my present in this cute little beach bag I just love. I peek in, some more perfume that I like, not too strong to wear to work. Great thanks...oh there's more. Nice. It's a box, too big to be the earrings, or is it... Yep it's the mucho expensive earrings!!!!! I am at a loss for words and if you know me that NEVER happens and I am actually emotional. I close the box and look around, wow, I am in total shock now. My MIL was laughing, it was cute, all I could say was I can't believe this. I put it all on, got glamed up an took pics with my bling bling on. Now Cinderella is ready for any ball, granted I have a dress that matches purple!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

1 day down & 1 year to go....

Today went better than expected, how fantastic is it to say that. Relief off my mind that Jersey wasn't all too hard on the new sitter, that was my biggest worry. Well actually the only real 'hard' part is her sleeping. See, she was great at getting to sleep (don't get this confused with staying asleep) before her earaches, so now everytime she goes down, she associates it with pain. Or so I think anyway, that is my feeling I get. Sitter said she was a little difficult in the morning but great in the afternoon, whew! I hope tomorrow and the days to follow only get easier. I am sure Jersey had a blast being doated on by her older kids and Nikyla well she was just having a ball period. She loves it there, and didn't want to come home, sure sign of an awesome sitter, mother and friend. I have no idea how I am going to find a replacement for her, she has been so in tune with Jersey ever since she was born. My search continues, I have another number to call again tomorrow, let's cross our fingers folks!
On the sleeping note, Jersey for the first time slept 2 1/2 hours uninterrupted before midnight, AMAZING!!! Being at the sitters must have just knocked the poop right out of her, I should have sent her there since birth!
Lastly, on the job note. Things went well, overwhelming on how I am to cram ALL this work into a 6.5 hour day but I'll get through it. My brain is in overload right now and must sleep.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


This is my first product review, on here. I am loving the Method products sold in Shoppers Drugmart. They are non-toxic, biodegradable, natural, animal cruelty free, powerful, great smell and didn't dry my hands. The stainless steel cleaner is fantastic and leaves a beautiful finsh AND I feel more comfortable with it since it is all organic. I have tried the all purpose cleaner too, the lavender scent, seems to work great as well, next I might try the after shower cleaner since I won't have as much time to clean, not that I did ever have time!

My last day

Ok so this being the last day we woke up and planned on spending the day at home, nice, relaxing and trying to put Jersey onto some sort of a schedule. Well morning nap came and she screamed, I am not sure if she is having issues like not wanting to nap which is a little unlike her or is she not feeling well.... So I made an appointment with the pediatrician to get her checked out again. She is flailing around, arching her back, screaming like crazy, all I can keep thinking is I hope she is better for the sitter than she is with me. She use to be just fine to put down before this whole ear thing came along. So I let her cry it out and then check on her, try to rocker her until she tires herself hour later she is down. All this work for a half hour, what the.... ok fine, let's get dressed. We play around I am trying to get things ready to take for the sitter then we do lunch with our neighbour who has a hankering for Subway. Ok, let's walk and I can get the mail at the same time, it starts to rain, so let's drive. We get there and no high chairs, what so called fast food joint is this??!! While I am there I get a call from my friend who needs her basinette back and is on her way to come and get it, it's loaded with clothes, ok so I have to get home anyway and get this ready. Lunch to go. We all eat at home by ourselves, no neighbour, her kids need to go down for a nap too. So it is nap time once again. I am sure this time she will go down, although she did hate her carseat, clear sign she isn't happy at all. So I put her down let her cry for a bit then go in an rock her in the chair or standing with her on my hip rocking her with her head on my chest...seems nice little cuddle time, no she is wailing and flailing again. Finally after a half hour she is down, great getting better! Another half hour nap... What is up with that??!! So I get all of 20 minutes to myself, not good in a day, I really, really hope that Chantal has much better luck than I. I will bring you some beer to help you through it!! I wonder what the night will bring. So my idea of having a really nice last day at home with my kids has turned very frustrating and not having much time for Nikyla, who is just playing around, dressed up, looking to put her stickers in her sticker book and me read to her. Ah she's a good kid, really is.
Now, I need some sleep, how am I every going to get some of that? Dan has hockey tonight and last night I went shopping then to Moxie's with 2 of my friends, it was oh so nice, except there was a baby that kept crying, I could have done without that since I was sans kids. BUT I will count my blessings and this was a great night out.

Monday, July 24, 2006

It's almost time

So I woke up this morning, got the kids ready then got myself ready, I was watching the clock to see just how long it would take, didn't do too bad. Great. Now I just have to take care of the sitter that I feel uncomfortable about, we have a playdate there tomorrow. So I call this other woman that sounds fantastic BUT she can't start until September. Bummed but she sounds super and I would like to meet her anyway. Then I get a call for the sitter I have lined up informing me she can't watch the kids on Wednesday, my first day starting of work and next ok. Now what am I suppose to do. So I had a playdate this morning at my friends place. I plead my story there and beg her to watch my kids just for the summer She gives in, aha!. My husband will be ecstatic about this he wanted her to watch them for a while but she already has a crew of her own kids. Great so now I have to call the sitter lined up and tell he I no longer require her services.... but I don't want to do it. I'll make Dan do that!
On her downfall side, she will have a baby with an earache that is crabby, but in a couple of days it should be better with these heavier antibiotics. 3 weeks or longer with ear infections, poor girl. I hope this does it, she has been in so much pain these past couple of days, let alone me wanting some good sleep.
On the upside, Nikyla gets along famously with her kids!

Monday, July 17, 2006


I have been very nervous and empathetic for Dan, which if any of you know me, know this is soooooo unlike me. He has been driving a car that is way beyond it's due, we are at 355,000 kms on a 1994 Cavalier LS, no a/c and barely any breaking system or hood...everything under the car looks like it is going to fall off. These summer days have been so hot and hazy, and he does not handle the heat and humidity well. So you can imagine when he gets (to work or) home he is a little cranky or wants to stay indoors as we want him to head outdoors 'cause we are done with our afternoon nap and Nikyla needs someone to help her ride her bike. So today we signed our way to a new car. We are now the owner of a Rally Yellow Cobalt. The new bundle arrives this Friday.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

It's been a while

Well I have been on hiatus for a while. Jersey was sick and me not getting any sleep, so when she went to bed, so did I. I have now realized that it wasn't her medication that gave her the cramping and runs, it was just a flu she happened to catch, not once but twice. Now back onto the baby Zantac. Exciting, or so one might think, but seems like NOTHING is changing. She isn't sleeping any better, she is still restless and seems in pain when she wakes but I don't know from what. Frustrating. The Dr. said next trip we will go get some upper GI tests done. Which is great, but I don't have much time since I start work at the end of July and I won't have all the time in the world to go and do things. I have to reschedule us to go and see him to say that there is no change. I know that there has to be some sort of light at the end of this tunnel, I feel like sleeping all the time. When I am not sleeping, I wish I was and when I am I want nothing to wake me...oh peaceful sleep, how I miss you.
Another reason for my lack of posting is due to us going to spend some time with my parents. They have a nice house with great toys for the kids and most of all, a lovely heated pool. The only problem was that we only got to go in it a couple of times, it rained a lot while we were down there. We took the time to go to the Peterbourgh Zoo, which is awesome, as you might notice by now Nikyla loves animals. We also visited the Cobourg beach. This is one of the best beaches I have ever visited, an awesome splash pad, 3 jungle gyms, swings and other little play things, let alone the sand and lake Ontario water to play with. It was a nice visit, and I didn't have to do any cooking or cleaning :) Then I get back home and the hubby has cleaned the house, how nice this was...and a little expected, he did after all have pretty much 5 days to himself. ( and I only wish for about 5 hours to myself for sleeping) I did get to sleep in the next day, it was nice, very nice. I wish I could do that every day.
Nikyla is a great fly by the seat of the pants girl, up for anything at any time. However she is starting to come out with and quite easily starting to pick up not swear words but more like cuss words. Damn it, oh crap, stuff like that. So I have started to make funny words that she will want to use instead of just saying that isn't nice to say.
Jersey is very mobile and pulling herself up all the time and always right with Nikyla. Nikyla the odd time really doesn't want to share with her or for Jersey to be around but usually she is great and I really give her credit for that. Who wants to share everything all the time anyway, I ask her things she doesn't want to share to put up in her room and she can play with them there on her own.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Been there done that, got the hat

So we went to go and visit my parents for a couple of days and while we were there we took our trip to the Toronto Zoo. The weather was fantastic, not too hot, the sun was behind the clouds most of the day. We managed to tour the whole zoo, only leaving out a few buildings that we missed. Jersey likes to sleep in her bed to go to sleep so by the afternoon she was ready to lie down and the afternoon was a bit trying. Dan finally ended up getting her to sleep for a bit while Nikyla and I road the camel and did the Zellers Kids Zone, although the splash pad was closed but looked awesome. We went in burrowed holes like the prarie dogs,
played around in the beaver dam
and Nikyla was even taken away by a giant beetle!
Just to name a few things we did and that was there. It is a great zoo however at Nikyla's age I think petting zoos are just as good and half the price.

Our ride home

Monday, June 26, 2006

My prayer have been answered

Ok I got one of the best phone calls tonight. A nursery school mom is taking her kids out of daycare for 1 year, she will tell the sitter this tomorrow and I just happen to need a sitter for 1 year, this works out perfect, n'est pas? I asked about the daycare provider and she comes with excellent references. She has other kids there, which I was hoping for a bit because I wanted Nikyla to still have that social aspect, not only at Nursery school but at the sitters as well and gives her and Jersey someone else to play with besides each other. I liked what the mother had to say to me about the sitter and that she wants to put her kids back in with that sitter after 1 year, makes my mind a bit more at ease with the whole leaving your kids with someone else. SO I just need her to call me tomorrow and say I have an opening, I hope she has no one else on the list ahead of me, she told me that there has been other people inquiring. I was getting kinda worried since I start work in 4 weeks...eek, it is coming on quickly!
Speaking of work, I was talking with a friend today about going back to work and she had asked how I felt about that. Made me think... I do like working, I like using what is left of my brain and not being 'on call' for 24-7, however in that same breath, I have loved being off on mat leave this time, I think more than last. I have a few other friends off with me at the same time and we usually meet up about once a week. I have met mom's in the same town as me and we have had playdates, Nikyla has been in Nursery school and gymnastics and I just have really enjoyed being off with both of the kids. I guess that is why this year has flown by...

These are the days of our lives

So usually every afternoon I have my quite time to go on the computer or relax and/or watch Days of our Lives. Now if anyone watches this soap they know it is going through a phase where you just want to turn it off cause nothing is really happening or it is just getting really annoying. But yes, the loyal fan that I am, I have watched it as long as I can remember (my dad use to watch it)and I will keep watching it. Plus, really nothing happens in my life that compares to a soap, thankfully, I have friends for that aspect.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

See you soon

So it's hard for me to imagine having a 3 year old, let alone having a 3 year old that has just finished her first year of Nursery school. I remember the first time I dropped her off, I thought, what should I do now? For only about a month she use to cling to me and a couple times cried then soon she came to just run in and I would say, can I have a kiss bye. I feel she has really benefited from it, so we have enrolled her to go again next year. The teachers at the school are phenomenal and I think it makes a world of difference to not only to the children but to us as a parents, knowing our children are learning in such a comfortable, fun, worry-free environment.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Just as I am at one of the best moments of Jersey's life, she takes a turn. Finally after we got diagnosed with GERD and I think Jersey will finally sleep peacefully and well, she has the side effects... She has diarrhea, bloating and cramping and after talking to my lifesavor of a friend she told me that it is the Sorbital, the sweetener in it that gives Jersey the side effects. I can't believe after waiting for sooo long to get someone to listen to me, she finally gets diagnosed and then has bad side effects. I feel so bad for this little girl! Thankfully we have an appointment tomorrow morning at 9:20am with the pediatrician again and hopefully we can get something else as opposed to the Ranitidine. I hope she feels some sort of relief soon.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Lesson learned

About a week or so ago Nikyla learnt how exactly to open up the doors, she knew before but lacked the ability to actually turn and pull at the same time. So I am going to go to go and get the latches that I can attach to the top of the doors. However at the time we were leaving to go somewhere and Nikyla opened the door and proceeded to go outside, I was still inside getting Jersey and I ready to head out. I yelled for Nikyla a couple of times and she finally came around and said yeah mom. I said can you please come in here, I need to talk to you. She came in and I said Nikyla you can't go out the doors without me....what would you do if a stranger walked up to you? She looked at me blankly, I said if a stranger or someone you don't know walks up to you scream as loud as you can for me ok... She then proceeded to cry and said mommy I don't want anyone to take me away from you, my heart broke! I said no no honey I am just letting you know what to do if someone comes over to you... needless to say my efforts to try and teach Nikyla about strangers didn't go over so well. So I guess she isn't entirely ready yet for that talk yet, I felt so bad!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

I like it when I am right!!

Ok so a couple of things happened today. First off we went to the pediatricians and he confirmed what my friend told me Jersey has had since birth, reflux. My bonehead of a regular Dr wouldn't agree I am sure, he thinks I am crazy to be thinking that there is or was something wrong. I have been having her checked out since birth, I kept saying I think that something is bothering her and he kept saying nope nothing wrong and dismissing me...I wasn't happy, until finally he said to me I think she is fine and you should just let her cry it out, I will refer you to a Pediatrician and when he tells you everything is fine then will you let her cry it out?.. So now she is taking baby Zantac and is doing excellent tonight so far, fingers crossed! I know it might take a bit BUT I see a bit of a change even with the one dose. So I am VERY excited about that, knowing I might get more sleep very soon.
Second, I had a feeling Jersey was teething for the past couple of weeks and I finally saw one pop through today! Her incisors are on their way in. Hopefully now she will stop biting my shirts and shoulders when I am holding her...although she thinks it is hilarious, little devil that she is.
She waves, like a queen I might add. The Dr waved at her today and she waved back to my astonishment, the waving isn't new but the waving on command is... good girl, now just to work on the speaking command.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Mayhem & Milestones

Ok so Jersey who just turned 9 months a couple of days ago has hit a many of milestones over the course of the past month. She has learnt to crawl, but she wasnts to stand more than anything, so running into her getting into her crib and getting all excited because in that place is where she can stand, all by herself. She seems very proud and happy about that, which is fantastic, however it was trying for a while to put her down to sleep. Ah, sleep, she has sleep issues, she doesn't like to stay sleeping, hoping she will catch on soon that it is the best when you get a good night sleep. She claps, waves and laughs a lot, coos and is smiley, all very cutesy things. Anything her big sister is playing with or is interested in Jersey is interested in, I have a hunch that might never change. Somedays I can't wait for her to be able to talk to me and other times I just love the stage she is at and never want her to grow up anymore!
Nikyla turned 3 last month, THREE I have a 3 year old. Hard for me to imagine, time just flies by so quickly.... It seems like just yesterday we were planning our May long weekend bbq party at our house and boom my water breaks the day before and we have to call everyone and cancel but ended up with the best party ever with a new member. Nikyla like I mentioned in my earlier post, is an awesome big sister and love attention. She plays dress up, role plays, dances, sings, all the wonderful girly things. We never went through the terrible 2's so I am wondering if I will get hit with the terrible 3's... So far, knock on wood, I am so lucky thus far.
Here is Jersey

Here is Nikyla


Ok so as the Summertime is hitting us, I have stopped to think about what exactly are we going to do or how are we going to fit it all in.... We are on our way to the Toronto Zoo next week, I am very excited for. Then probably the rest of the time going between my parents place, Storyland, visiting the Beach and splash pads around Ottawa, playdates and the cottage, nice and relaxing until I start work at the end of July... which I am not looking forward to but who does, right. At least the hours are great 8:30-3:30 and they are flexible too, which is such a bonus for me.

Monday, June 12, 2006

You couldn't have asked for a better big sister

I get a dose everyonce in a while of how great Nikyla is with Jersey. If Jersey grabs Nikyla hair or skin or pinches, Nikyla just says no Jersey or mom help. Nikyla plays with her and shares and gives her her favorite thing to help Jersey feel better. What a great big sister she is!

Saturday, June 10, 2006


I couldn't even think of a title to come up with. I was reading a blog before and it made me think... I always thought that when people grew up and got married, had kids life would be 'right'. I grew up basically in a safe bubble, nice house, great parents with 2 good jobs, church every Sunday, not a worry in the world, I was on easy street. Then I got a big dose or reality, moved out at 19 to go to school. Then years later I meet my future husband and think once we get married all doubts about anything will be done... But marriage is hard work and I am in for it, I have a wonderful husband and just know we are so well suited. Anyhow, I wasn't sure what I was in or am in for.... but I am here to write about it.

Friday, June 09, 2006


I have been thinking about starting my own blog for a little while. Going and putting my life and my familys personal details on the internet.... So why do we do it? Why do I want to do it. I don't know but I think it's an online journal of life and we/I sometimes need to vent, seek information or help and it is easier to take in writing or from strangers... So here I go...

I'll start with when I think I started my 'grown up' life. I got married in the Dominican Republic in 2002, ah it was beautiful there and a beautiful 9 days. We had 27 other people come along with us and it was the best vacation and I hope we can have another one again... sometime. When we got back my husband, Dan and I decided the time was right to start a family since we had just bought a house. Our first daughter, Nikyla was born in May 2003. It was the best thing that had ever happened to me. I love being a mom! After a year I went back to work and we knew we didn't want to have our kids too far apart so just over 2 years later along came girl number 2, Jersey, born in September 2005.
And pretty much that takes us, in very short form, to the present....
Jersey just turned 9 months and I have to go to work in just about 2 months, I am not looking forward to it. Mainly because I am nervous of taking over my friends job, it is a job for a 1 year term, not a life long career and I want to go in work my hours and get out and get back to our kids. I am sure all my worries will be put to reast once I start and get settled, I hope. We plan on having #3 just after Jersey turns 2. I do like the idea of them being about 2 years apart, ideally.
Well that is about enough for a start I think... More tomorrow, I have a 9 month old that doesn't like to sleep through the night still.. Till tomorrow... *night*